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Overcoming difficulty

Overcoming difficulty

Thank Your Way Out Of Depression And Frustration

August 17, 2016

Today as I made my way through town at lunch there were lots of tourists around, peeping into shop windows, snapping away on cameras and generally poking about the place. As on most summer days a cruise ship had stopped by. I love it when we get visitors – I feel honoured that people travel a long way to check out my home. On this occasion, the way they were taking such interest in everything struck me. I followed the…

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Overcoming difficulty

Tired of Troubles? This Fight May be Your Best Friend

July 6, 2016

Are you easily discouraged or distracted from pursuing your dreams? When something goes wrong and you find yourself on the floor, how good are you at getting up and pushing on with a smile? Personally I’m pretty easily disheartened by setbacks and challenges. I tend to take them as a sign that I’m doing something wrong, or spending my time and energy on the wrong things. Surely, if I’m doing everything right, things should just happen easily, right? I’m starting…

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Overcoming difficulty

I’m Different After Yesterday

October 5, 2015

Yesterday was sunny, so I cycled home from work by the sea, past piles of pink warm granite tumbling into the blue. Children laughed with dinghies in the shallows, while their parents stretched out on the sand like cats. After turning inland the road gets steep. I jumped off and walked, I took my time. It was peaceful. I thought about the day, about work, the jobs to do at home, about dinner. Then something caught my eye. A white butterfly…

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